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36 Results for ‘312-40 Übungsmaterialien - 312-40 Lernressourcen - 312-40 Prüfungsfragen 🆖 Geben Sie { } ein und suchen Sie nach kostenloser Download von ➤ 312-40 ⮘ ➖312-40 Fragen&Antworten’


From SAP to Microsoft BI: Krones AG modernises its data analysis

In order to be able to continue the worlwide leadership, Krones AG had to seize the opportunities offered by digitisation and convert their constantly growing data stocks as comprehensively as possible into new values for the business, the employees and, above all, the customers.


How innogy is preparing for the future with a digital platform

In many companies, long-standing analytics systems are increasingly reaching their limits. They can no longer cope with the constantly growing number of users and data – and with them the ever-increasing demands on data analysis. The energy supplier innogy also found itself in this situation and turned to us for help.


WMF upgrades commercial coffee machines with real-time services

Real-time analysis of machine data enables very different digital innovations. For our customer WMF we have expanded the company’s product range with data-driven applications that significantly facilitate the daily work of the core target groups – specifically: facility managers, food chain managers and service technicians.


Digital transformation in heating technology: How to predict malfunctions and reduce consumption costs

An internationally leading manufacturer of heating systems demonstrates what is possible when data is used consistently. Together with ORAYLIS, the company wanted to tackle the digital transformation and create new values on different levels through continuous monitoring of the extensive heating data.


How to make your production more efficient with real-time data

Production processes have to be as efficient as possible for companies to survive in global competition. This was also recognised by one of our industrial customers, a global leader in the manufacture of special pumps. Together, we implemented a monitoring system based on real-time data for its entire production line and achieved a large number of improvements as a result.


Predictive maintenance: machine builder inspires customers with AI-based forecasts

In global competition, efficient production processes are a decisive factor for success. Against this backdrop, digitalisation offers manufacturers of machines and production lines many opportunities to inspire their customers with data-based services from the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For example, we have implemented prognosis scenarios for predictive maintenance for a globally operating machine manufacturer, which significantly increase the efficiency of the manufactured plants.


Digital platform gives mobile provider a competitive edge

Like all mobile phone providers, one of our clients was struggling with the massive competition and cost pressure in the industry. At the same time, the company’s extensive data hid a variety of potentials to differentiate itself from the competition and to complete the digital transformation.


Energy giant manages digital transformation with a cloud platform

One of the fundamental obstacles in the digitalisation of companies is that each specialist department only works in isolation on its own data files. One of our customers from the energy sector also had to realise this. The provider wanted to finally unlock the potential in its data and achieve valid insights across the company.


Bakery makes reliable forecasts with anonymous customer data

In order to use Artificial Intelligence to make reliable forecasts about the behaviour of your customers, you don’t necessarily need a huge amount of data. Even medium-sized companies with relatively manageable data sets can tap into these exciting possibilities of digitalisation. This is illustrated by our approach to a German bakery chain: the company works with anonymous customer cards that primarily offer discount benefits.


How an energy supplier prevents customer churn

The market for energy suppliers is characterised by a similar level of performance and quality of the suppliers as well as very low switching barriers for consumers. Learn how potential churn candidates are automatically identified.


How o2 improves its social media marketing performance

Whether B2B or B2C – social media and content marketing have become important tools for companies in image building and sales. But do the measures really bring the desired success?


How a baker uses data to reduce returns from branches and increase sales

The efficient use of data offers bakery chains the opportunity to improve their business processes and consumer service in many ways. This is illustrated by the example of a medium-sized bakery company that is one of our customers. The company has set itself the goal of having a complete and fresh range of goods available at all times of the day in its 30 or so branches. At the same time, the return rate should be as low as possible.

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