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How o2 improves its social media marketing performance

Whether B2B or B2C – social media and content marketing have become important tools for companies in image building and sales. But do the measures really bring the desired success?


Retail: How data can optimise business with perishable goods

The right use of data can improve processes at every point in your business and lead to considerable savings in time and money. Example retail: For a European market leader, we created a solution that optimised the processes around the business with ultra-fresh products – such as fruit, vegetables and cut flowers. Because: too large order and delivery quantities generate high losses, as the goods expire. If, on the other hand, the shelves in the branches are empty, customers migrate to the competition.


Shopping Portal improves its financial reporting with Power BI

Being “online” is no longer a competitive advantage. Shopping portals are also facing ever-increasing competitive pressure, which demands ongoing optimisation and quick decisions based on data. This was also evident at a well-known German supplier of branded goods. Until the time of our cooperation, the company’s financial reporting was exclusively created manually and sent by mail. Thus, there was an urgent need for a modern solution that would enable the finance department to use the existing data efficiently and flexibly.


Analysis of receipts down to item level: Retailer gains maximum benefit for business

In retail, the analysis of cash register receipts can be a source for a variety of business improvements. However, not all receipt data analysis is the same, as the example of one of our customers shows. The large retail group was already using cash register data as a decision support tool. But only historical evaluations could be made on aggregated data. Ad-hoc analyses were also hardly possible. So the potential of the extensive existing data was only rudimentary unlocked.


Predictive Policing: How criminals are tracked with Artificial Intelligence

For the police department of one of the largest cities in Germany, we developed an AI solution for predicting crimes – so-called predictive policing.


ANWR Group uses AI to automatically tag product images

Artificial intelligence enables process automation that cannot replace humans, but can relieve them of many routine tasks. An outstanding example is our AI solution for the ANWR Group, one of Europe’s leading retail cooperatives for clothing and, among other things, operator of the shopping portal „“.


Publisher increases circulation with data-driven forecasts

The digital transformation is not always a danger for publishers – it also opens up many opportunities. Because well-maintained databases can be turned into completely new values for the business with modern analysis platforms.


Retail business: How to optimise your advertising expenses

“I know half of my advertising is money thrown away. I just don’t know which half.” – The much-quoted wisdom of Henry Ford has lost none of its relevance for the trade. On the contrary: due to saturated markets, the industry is mainly occupied with competing with each other for customers by means of massive advertising campaigns. In the meantime, a large part of the marketing expenditures of retail companies is allotted to this item – and the trend is still rising. Unlike Henry Ford, however, retailers today can use their data to determine the share of misinvested advertising money relatively precisely and reduce it in a targeted manner.


Digital services support car park owners and car park users

In almost every industry, business intelligence (BI) systems offer the possibility of using data to develop new values for one’s own business and the customer. A leading provider of car park infrastructure offers a good example. The company supplies car park operators with a wide range of components for their operations – from barrier systems and video surveillance to cash register systems and software controls.


How mobile providers can predict the value of new contracts

Evaluating sales performance has always been a special challenge for mobile phone providers: normally, the revenues and contribution margins from new contracts and contract extensions can only be precisely quantified after a few months. Concrete sales figures for upcoming contract terms are difficult to estimate simply because customers often change their tariff or take advantage of supplementary options during this period. At the same time, sales successes are often incorrectly estimated and rewarded. Therefore we developed a predictive model that reliably predicts the desired figures.


How to sell more successfully with personality profiles

You certainly know this from your own experience as a customer: you constantly receive advertising that does not interest you. But from the advertiser’s point of view, you also know where the problem lies. Nowadays, customer wishes are very diverse and dynamic, making it difficult to address them individually with familiar methods. So how do you define the right measures? What is the right approach? Answers to these questions are provided by your data on the purchasing and contact activities of your customers. On this basis, we have developed real personality profiles for a publishing house, which enable precisely fitting advertising messages.


How data visualisation standards enable faster and better decisions

The management of a leading German seaport was dissatisfied with its reporting: the different business units all worked with different analysis solutions, so that a proliferation of different reports and dashboards circulated in the company. Documents from one department were therefore difficult for the other to understand. Reason enough to use the introduction of a new SAP system to standardise the entire reporting system.

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